One way to explain it is to learn from the past through a striking example, a typical symbol of un-sustainability. "The city of Potosi (in Bolivia) was founded in 1545 following the discovery of silver in the Cerro Rico Mountain. By the end of 18th century Potosi had grown into the largest and wealthiest city in Latin America. The price was the lives of hundreds of thousands of Indian forced labourers and thousands of African slaves, as a result of accidents, mercury poisoning and silicosis pneumonia. Nowadays, Potosi is a decaying place and Bolivia one of the poorest countries in the world ..." (quoted from Giusseppe Munda).
Why is sustainability so important? New lens for decision-making!
One way to explain it is to learn from the past through a striking example, a typical symbol of un-sustainability. "The city of Potosi (in Bolivia) was founded in 1545 following the discovery of silver in the Cerro Rico Mountain. By the end of 18th century Potosi had grown into the largest and wealthiest city in Latin America. The price was the lives of hundreds of thousands of Indian forced labourers and thousands of African slaves, as a result of accidents, mercury poisoning and silicosis pneumonia. Nowadays, Potosi is a decaying place and Bolivia one of the poorest countries in the world ..." (quoted from Giusseppe Munda).
AuthorsP. Verstichel Archives
September 2017