In my opinion, it must be supported by an improved social technology, yet keeping with our craving for power and privilege. Semantically, what would replace Christ, King or Capital? The answer looks obvious at the surface : I, so is Individualism to be raised up to the level of an ideology? Another avenue is to look at the commons movement with the sharing and caring economy currently being praised. What about "Commonism" ... You name it !
Preparing a talk about Facebook, pondering about the ideological framework from an historical perspective, I designed the above board. Can you name the background of our quest for personal recognition? Several ideas emerged in my mind: networkism, tribalism, ... Yet, none is satisfactory.
In my opinion, it must be supported by an improved social technology, yet keeping with our craving for power and privilege. Semantically, what would replace Christ, King or Capital? The answer looks obvious at the surface : I, so is Individualism to be raised up to the level of an ideology? Another avenue is to look at the commons movement with the sharing and caring economy currently being praised. What about "Commonism" ... You name it !
Let me start with another question: How do you spot someone that is not motivated and/or not engaged? Inappropriate behaviours, lack of efficiency, irrational decisions, counter-cultural thoughts, etc.?
In my opinion, for a business organization, the most critical symptom is “idleness” because it is related to intrinsic motivation for carrying out activities. Intrinsic motivation is the key personal attribute to be looked after in order for your employees to be fully committed to the delivery of the required outcomes. So first, look for true “idleness” symptoms because “Idleness is the goal only of those who have been compulsively or anxiously busy” (Skiner). When you are working with your team, make sure that the context (schedules, assignments, team structure, etc.) will never lead one of the members to act compulsively or anxiously. Tentative d'explication des comportements de certains patrons
De récents évènements de la vie économique belge relatifs à AB INBEV, BRINKS ou OPEL m’ont amené à reconsidérer le concept d’entreprise sous l’angle sociologique. Loin de l’idée de généraliser ce point de vue, des documentaires et études confortent la pertinence du propos suivant : « Pourquoi des entreprises en viennent-elles à prendre des décisions que nous pouvons raisonnablement juger antisociales? » |
AuthorsP. Verstichel Archives
September 2017